Friday, October 19, 2007

when you are broken hearted

yeah you are right i am broken hearted all my dreams are gone and i am starting a new.. wow its hard to forget the past when the shadow of her lies in my mind... i could'nt do something new... her face always appear in my imagination i am a damn such fool loving with nothing... i wish to turn back time but i could not i know past will never be corrected anymore and it can't be change for the days are gone... i just only remember all the things happen but i am helpless hahhhhh life is not fair at all why did it happen to me... anyway thank you for your concern.. hope we could be a best friend then... God bless

i really don't know when the time will i forget her but days are counting and i could not think of something... i am like living in a dark room nothing i can see for it was so dark as it like in a deepest limbo in life. my heart were broken into pieces when she was gone in my sight i am in depress when she end our relationship... my world then go astray as if i am in the midst of the building that collapse... i could not believe as my heart tears into pieces... my voice was shattered i could not speaak nor i could not do anything... all i do was to cry and cry until there are no tears flowing my face as it is...

everything was like a volcano eruption as she walk away from me little by little my strngth was dissolve as i am like a dead man. somehow this is the life that i follow somehow i could say that it will just pass by... sooner or later it will gone by the wind as it blows beyond the space. well i never knew what lies a head of my life all i do was to make a way to recover that something gone in me.....

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